HD wallpaper
Android, OGQ · Interface, Photograph

HD wallpaper - amazing desktop photos

This is all kinds of wallpapers on OGQ. Install the application on Android and every day admire magnificent landscapes - white-sand beaches in the Maldives, city streets of Paris and London, paintings, charming characters, etc. A couple of wallpapers can be shared with your loved one, and through Twitter, Facebook, Kakaotalk - show pictures to friends. HD wallpapers allow you to enjoy a new image every day. There is also Photo Wall FX for android, download it too.

Developer OGQ
Genre Personalization
Size 1,1M
Update Date March 22, 2013.
Number of Installations 10 000 000 - 50 000 000
Version 0.1.2241
Number of Votes (Play Market) 197 938
Rating (Play Market) 4,8
Author: Isaac Abramov

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