Abandoned house
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Abandoned house - will make you feel afraid

The game Abandoned House is a scary and a little funny mobile wander, the purpose of which is to find the missing girl. In the process of passing the game the gamer is surrounded by the sounds of children's laughter, claws scraping terrible inhabitants of the house, who will try in every possible way to throw the young man off the path and make him leave the house without his girlfriend.
A huge number of dead children, rotting corpses, ghosts, blood and scary sounds will not leave indifferent to any fan of such things, and black humor a little defuse the situation.
It is necessary to try not to lose vigilance and self-control in order to solve all the puzzles and find the girlfriend of a young man.
Features abandoned house on android:
  • When downloading the game and uploading it to your gadget, we recommend you to wait for a while. Until the black screen disappears.
Developer OldGames
Genre Adventures
Size 50M
Update Date September 24, 2014.
Age Restrictions For the older age group
Price It's free
Number of Installations 100 000-500 000
Version 1.0.4
Number of Votes (Play Market) 8 355
Rating (Play Market) 3,5
Author: Isaac Abramov

“real scary story”

Cons: Little sense of dread, annoying commercials.

Pros: Great story, beautiful graphics and suitable music accompaniment. Free download

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