Moy - Cute Animals
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Moy - Cute Animals - get yourself a pet

Moy - Cute Animals presents a certain amount of lessons for children on how to care for their little brothers. Your child gets a new virtual friend named Moy. He needs to be fed, dressed for the weather, put to bed, bathed and so on... You can also delight your child with the My Talking Cat Tom app by downloading it on android.
There are a variety of adult Mou options available. You can raise him to be cool or really cute. Get the opportunity to show off Mow to your friends or compare yours to the ones your friends have. Grow your virtual alien companion. Download the game on android on our website.
  • Dress Mou as you wish.
  • Feed Mou by using the food from the refrigerator.
  • Do your best to make Mou feel good.
Developer Frojo Apps
Genre Other
Size 8,9M
Update Date December 1, 2014.
Age Restrictions For the younger age group
Price It's free
Number of Installations 10 000 000-50 000 000
Version 2.35
Number of Votes (Play Market) 348 511
Rating (Play Market) 4,0
Author: Isaac Abramov

“your virtual friend”

Cons: The app is only interesting for the younger age group of users

Pros: Amazing game graphics, pleasant music design, positive influence on children, fostering in them a sense of responsibility, interesting gameplay

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