WiFi File Explorer PRO
Android, dooblou · Programs on android, System Utilities

WiFi File Explorer PRO

It is far from a secret that the possibilities of wireless technology are now virtually unlimited in their phenomenality and functionality. Every day we are surrounded by a huge variety of networks that have different speeds, features and other aspects of use.
It's also not uncommon for people to prefer to use multiple networks at once, all so that the overall connection speed is always high. This definitely makes sense, but the important thing is that keeping track of all these connections is not always as easy as it may seem.
It will be great if you pay attention to the WiFi File Explorer PRO app. Thanks to certain features, WiFi File Explorer PRO will help you learn about all the networks phenomenally and easily and enter them into your personal registry. Further we have great features that will let us know about the status of the networks, their capabilities. The WiFi File Explorer PRO application is very simple in terms of perception. The speed of this development is also on top.

WiFi File Explorer PRO - monitoring the status of wireless networks.

Developer dooblou
Genre Tools
Size 1,7M
Update Date January 5, 2013.
Number of Installations 50 000 - 100 000
Version 1.8.2
Number of Votes (Play Market) 2 762
Rating (Play Market) 4,6
Author: Isaac Abramov

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