ASTRO File Manager
Android, Metago · All applications, Programs on android, File managers

ASTRO File Manager - file manager for android tablet

A very popular application on the android operating system in the playmarket, which is in demand precisely because of its good functionality. Of similar, we recommend you to look at the file manager for android. File managers are actually a lot, but it is difficult to find really convenient ones for yourself. See the parent category that to choose for yourself a convenient and competent manager. Many of the editors believe that ASTRO File Manager is one of them.
Developer Metago
Genre Work
Size Depends on the device
Update Date April 24, 2013.
Number of Installations 10 000 000 - 50 000 000
Version Depends on the device
Number of Votes (Play Market) 353 423
Rating (Play Market) 4,4
Author: Isaac Abramov

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